Our Mission
In our children lies the hope of humanity.
The Waldorf School of Mendocino County is dedicated to cultivating the capacities of each child through a developmentally respectful education, based on the insights of scientist, philosopher, artist and educator, Rudolf Steiner.
Our Vision
We seek to create a model of educational excellence that meets the academic requirements of each child while respecting their individuality, higher spiritual nature, and connection to the whole world.
We strive to develop as a community of conscious, caring adults, committed to human development and social awareness.
We determine to be a thriving center for learning, serving the needs of our diverse community and adhering to principals of ecological responsibility in our growth.
Social Justice, Equity and Responsibility
The Waldorf School of Mendocino County is committed to being a brave space for people of all backgrounds to be acknowledged, welcomed and appreciated. Our community strives to bring students the experience of shared individuality, humanity, and equality, transcending stereotypes, prejudices and divisive barriers.
Throughout his life, Steiner spoke about the growing social and spiritual importance of diversity in communities of the future, principles of common humanity that we affirm. We explicitly reject any theory or statement in Rudolf Steiner’s work that characterizes or judges individual human beings as superior or inferior based on racial, gender, ethnic, or other group identity. We honor what diversity brings to the richness of the human perspective.
Lifelong learning—and the creation of lifelong learners—is an institutional goal of WSMC; we apply that goal to our engagement with SoJER issues. This manifests as intentional daily awareness, reflection upon successes and failures, and working together and on our own to recognize systemic injustice and internalized prejudice. We seek and welcome engagement with this process by all members of our community.
We acknowledge that racial biases are embedded in the very fabric of our culture and perpetuate systems of privilege and oppression. We reject racism, patriarchy, and all forms of oppression through our work with young people who can bring these values into the future. We stand in responsibility for the ways in which past and current practices have made people feel unwelcome, unheard, and unseen. We commit ourselves to a practice of anti-racism and creating a culturally responsive community built upon careful listening, constant learning, and heartfelt understanding of social justice and equity. We commit to honoring our strong, diverse community based on the warmth of human relationship.
-SoJER Committee
The Social Justice, Equity and Responsibility Committee educates, supports and provides resources to the WSMC community so they can examine their personal biases and lenses in order to create a school community where all members experience a sense of belonging and students are prepared to engage with issues of SoJER.
Support & Report:
WSMC's Code of Conduct and Restorative Practices

​First and Always: Be Safe, Be Kind
The Waldorf School of Mendocino County believes that everyone has a right to a safe,
positive, and wholesome school environment. We recognize that it requires well-intentioned
collaboration between the faculty, staff, caregivers, and children. Everyone in the community
must promote mutual respect and acceptance.​
Restorative Justice Principles focus on repairing harm and rebuilding community relationships. These practices provide our school with alternatives to traditional discipline, emphasizing responsibility for actions and repairing damage in specific situations. Inclusive of everyone involved, restorative approaches aim to resolve conflicts, improve relational intelligence, and prevent injustices through fair relations. Examples include healing deeds, class meetings, impromptu conferences, establishing classroom agreements, and mediation with active listening for collaborative solutions.
WSMC will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student, faculty, or staff member. Such behavior includes but is not limited to direct physical contact, verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling, bullying, physical or sexual harassment, manipulation, threats, social isolation, cyberbullying, etc.​
WSMC will deal with incidents promptly, and on a case-by-case basis. The procedures for intervening in mistreatment include, but are not limited, to the following:
Faculty, staff, and community members who witness acts of mistreatment shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so.
WSMC expects students, faculty, staff, and/or parents to report concerning incidents to a faculty member or administrator. People witnessing or experiencing unkindness are strongly encouraged to report the incident; such reporting will not reflect on the target or witnesses in any way. Suspicious behavior may also be reported.
Reports will be promptly investigated.
The school will make reasonable efforts to keep a report of disruptive behavior and the results thereof and track incidents.
The school will communicate appropriately with caregivers and all parties involved as promptly as possible.
Our restorative practices are actively used by the staff and faculty on campus, with quick intervention using age-appropriate opportunities to repair, such as healing deeds and reflection forms.
People who have been mistreated will be supported by having an opportunity to discuss their experience with a responsible adult, reassurance that they deserve to feel safe, restoring confidence and self-esteem, and continuous support.
Students who mistreat others can benefit from reflecting on their actions, practicing empathy, acknowledging wrongdoing, and working with their parents or guardians to address deeper behavioral issues.
WSMC will work to support all parties involved until issues are addressed.