Mountain Meadow Monthly is a school newspaper created by Ms. Schaefer's 5/6 class. It began as an idea, and what do you transformed into the real thing!
We have put lots of time and work into it and every class member contributes each month. We have had other classes write about things they are doing and sometimes interview the whole class.
Each month it takes lots of work to put it together and get it assembled. We hand type all of the articles on old fashioned typewriters, as you might know, they can be hard! We glue everything on to the final pieces of paper, and print them in the office. We thank Jami, or anyone around for helping us use that printer!
We have comics, art, poems, puzzles, fiction stories and reports. We make it all. We hope you find our newspaper utterly charming and original. Hope you purchase one!
Alea Foley-Gutierrez, Class 5
The first issue of the Mountain Meadow Monthly was distributed at our Michaelmas Festival. Issue two is coming soon! If you would like to purchase at hard copy of the Mountain Meadow Monthly please contact the office.
